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Disciple Trainings

Jesus Provides Everything You Need

Blue Skies and Yellow Fields

Mobile 3 Week Disciple School 

We travel to your community. Schools can be hosted in Churches, Homes, Community Centers, or Parks

The 3-week disciple training is a deeper dive into living this lifestyle.

Not only will you be trained and equipped to preach the gospel, heal the sick, cast out demons, preach repentance, baptize in water & the Holy Spirit, and you will also be trained as a disciples who makes disciples that make disciples.

Typical Schedule

1. The first weekend is a Kickstart 2 .teaching & hands-on training with healing, baptisms, & outreach.

2. Luke 10 trip with Groups sent out during  2 nd weekend of training take no money bag total with trust and surrender to the leading of the Holy Spirit.

3. Monday - Friday 7-9 pm_ the main teaching 

10-12 pm Worhsop & Prayer

12-1 1 pm Lunch

1-3 pm Bible Discovery Group and outreach

4-5 pm Dinner



2-Day Disciple Gathering Kickstart

The Teaching is 7 Disciple lessons in 2 days with Hands-on Traingi for healing, deliverance, baptism of water, and The Holy Spirit, hands-on training outreach 


Disciple Home Fellowships & Outreaches

Disciple Fellowships are available all over the world; 

We can help you start one or help you find one in your area

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