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Statement of faith




We believe that the original scriptures of the Old and the New Testament are given without errors by the inspiration of God and are supreme as the final authority for faith and life (2 Tim. 3:16-17).


We believe that what we read in the book of Acts is also for today and that we need to come back to the simple disciple life the first Christians had.


We believe in the only true God, the Father, from whom are all things and for whom we exist, and His Son our Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom are all things and through whom we exist (1 Cor. 8:6).

We believe that Jesus, the Word, became flesh and dwelt among the people and that He is the express image of the Father; if you have seen Jesus you have seen the Father (John 1:14, Hebr. 1:3, John 14:9).


We believe that Jesus lived as the perfect example without sin and that He got baptized in water and received the Holy Spirit, which is the Spirit of God (Hebr. 4:15, Mark 1:9-10).


We believe that Jesus preached repentance and the good news of the Kingdom of God and healed the sick, cast out demons, raised the dead and made disciples. Later he died on the cross to pay for our sins, got buried, rose up again, went to heaven and sent His Holy Spirit on earth (Matt. 1:21, 1 Thes. 4:14, John 3:13, 1 Pet.


We believe that those who receive the Holy Spirit and live by it, build together the body of Christ and continue the work that Jesus has started (1 Kor. 12:27, Eph. 4:12). We believe that God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit (which is the Spirit of God and the Spirit of Jesus) are immutable and therefore the same yesterday, today and forever (Jam. 1:17, Hebr. 13:8, 1 John 5:7).


We believe that to have faith in God is to obey Him and is not only to know that He exists. The same if we believe in Jesus and love Him we obey what He commanded us to do because faith without works is dead (Jam. 2:26, John 14:21).

We believe that to enter in the promised Kingdom of God and receive eternal life we need to be born again: we need to repent toward God the Father from all our sins, get baptized in water in the Name of Jesus Christ, receive the Holy Spirit and continue living a life in faith till the end (Acts 2:38, Matt. 7:21). We believe that repentance is a changing of mind and a turning away of sins caused by the goodness of God and in faith it is the first step into the new life (Rom. 2:4).

We believe that water baptism in the Name of Jesus Christ is part of being born again because it is to be buried with Christ and have the sins washed away by His blood. The baptism into Christ is only valid after repentance and believing in Jesus (Rom. 6:3-10, Acts 2:38, Acts 22:16).




We believe that God promises to give us His Holy Spirit after we have repented, believed and have been baptized into Christ, by laying on hands or asking for it and that there is an outward evidence after receiving God’s Spirit (Acts 8:14-18, Acts 10:44-48, Acts 19:6).


We believe that salvation is more than only a decision in a moment. Likewise the clear picture in the Old Testament where Israel was saved out of Egypt (repentance) and was saved from Egypt after crossing the red sea (water baptism) everyone except two of the generation did not enter in the Promised Land (Kingdom of God) because of disobedience, therefore we believe that those who endure to the end will be saved (Hebr. 12:14, Matt. 24:13, 1 Cor. 10:1-22).


We believe that through the Holy Spirit, as the disciples of Jesus, we are empowered to preach the gospel, heal the sick, cast out demons, raise the dead and use all the gifts of the Holy Spirit for the glory and the Kingdom of God, like our Lord Jesus Christ did (Matt. 10:7-8, 1 Cor. 12:1-12).


We believe that only those who obey the gospel of Christ will be given an immortal and spiritual body at the resurrection and will enter in the eternal Kingdom of God. The others will be punished and destroyed by God on the final judgment (1 Cor. 15:51-53, Gal. 3:19-21).




We believe that the church, “ekklÄ“sia”, “the called-out (ones)”, which Jesus Christ Himself is building, is not a denomination or a building but all the true disciples of Jesus Christ in the whole world, who are led by the Holy Spirit and have fellowship together wherever they stay (Matt. 16:18, Acts 1:13-14).


We believe that we are all called to be disciples of Jesus Christ, who follow Him and become more and more like Him. Jesus never used the word christian but called His followers disciples. It is about to learn from our Lord Jesus like an apprentice and to do the same thing and even greater things than He did (John 15:8, John 14:12).

We believe that out of the disciples, Jesus Christ sets apostles, prophets, evangelists, shepherds and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ (Eph.4:11-12).


We believe that Jesus Christ will come back and will take His bride, the church, and for all eternity we will be together with Him in His Kingdom.

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My first hero is our Father who loved me so much He sent His Son to die for me on the cross so I can be free from sins and the bondage of the enemy and set free from the brokenness of this world and reconciled back to Your original plan for me. You hear my every prayer and even the unspoken word and I fall more in love with you every day!


Jesus, You are my hero, my teacher, my high priest, my healer, my bridegroom, my inspiration, and so much more. Thank you for teaching me how to walk this life out and giving me the map to Your Kingdom, for teaching me to live by the Father's will not my will. You are King of kings, and You are my Lord, I worship You and I love You!


Holy Spirit You are amazing guiding me every day, I hear Your voice and You know my innermost being and what is best for me. You help me to pray to our Father and bring me new revelations. To say You help me is an understatement and I honor You! 

Meet God and learn more about them here:


Much love and gratitude for the brothers and sisters out here walking in faith and obedience to the call of Jesus in the Harvest! God bless you all!



Forever grateful for Torben Sondergaard's teaching and dedication to discipleship along with his beautiful wife Lena and family. Torben is such a loving, humble, and giving man who loves God and His people. His teaching is straight from the context of the Holy Bible, one of his famous quotes is" "Our life should look like the book of Acts'. His teachings have given my life a 180 as a faith-filled believer, they have equipped me to "Go Out" as Jesus instructs with His power and authority. My Disciple teaching is based on the teachings of Torben and the Last Reformation,

Please pray for Torben. I will leave links if you would like to help support our brother in jail for the gospel and his family I will leave a link. I will also leave a link to his website. Torben fled from exile from Denmark about 4 years ago teaching in schools across the United States as well as Youtube channel teachings. Unfortunately, in the last 10 months since 6/2022 he was falsely arrested by ICE Immigration and to date has not been charged with formal criminal charges or any charges for the matter and, amazingly, he is still in jail.

Updates on Torben's case and if you would like to donate visit this link:​

See Torben's documentary movies with testimonies on disciple life, as well as visit his website:



Special thanks to Dan Mohler who volunteers his time to speak at churches around the country. He does not have a website or his own YouTube channel other than the ones people recorded and uploaded themselves. CHECK OUT DAN HERE: 


Myles Monore:

Great teacher on Kingdom Principles


There are many more who have inspired me, including Derek Prince, Kathrine Kuhlman, Franklin Hall, and many other full gospel teachers, including my brothers and sisters in Christ, who are out in the harvest serving our Lord; but none of course has inspired me like the Lord our God!

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